Shopping list voice input PRO Mod

Shopping list voice inputShopping list voice input

Shopping list voice input PRO

Size: 3.71 MB | Version: 4.3.5 | File Type: APK | System: Android 2.3 or higher

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Shopping list voice inputShopping list voice input Shopping list voice inputShopping list voice input Shopping list voice inputShopping list voice input
Android Apk ModsAndroid Apk ModsDescription :

An easy-to-use shopping list app. You can create your shopping lists directly by speaking. It is possible to create multiple lists,e.g. for various shops.
Android Apk ModsAndroid Apk ModsFeatures of Shopping list voice input PRO apps :
- Two voice input modes, single or multiple items
- Drag and drop a list
- Manage multiple shopping lists
- Synchronisation between devices
- Strike out while shopping
- Notifications for lists
- Share a shopping list
- Import text split by lines
- Recipe modus
- History
- Change the typeface, size and color from fonts
- Change a background
Android Apk ModsAndroid Apk ModsFeatures of Shopping list voice input PRO mod :
- Pro Version
- Advertise Removed 
Android Apk ModsAndroid Apk ModsInstall Instructions :
* You visited this site on mobile ?

1. Download the Apk file on mobile. 
2. Install and run it. 
3. That’s it,Enjoy!
* You visited this site on desktop or laptop ?

1. Download the Apk file on Pc.
2. Transfer Apk file from PC to your Android Phone (Via USB , Bluetooth , Wi-Fi). 
3. Install and run it. 
4. That’s it,Enjoy!
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